Fish 399 (Season 6,692) Returns 96 (1,521) Rod average 4.2 (4.4)
Pitsford Water continues to produce quality fish with a rod average for the week of 4.2, but during the weekend the average was over 7!
Topping the list of cracking fish must be the catches of Dave Anderson who has not fished the water for a while. Dave anchored off the dam and fished an intermediate line and black lure. He caught 15 fish but eight of these were huge Browns. Dave estimated the best to be an easy double figure fish around 12lb. His smallest Brown was around the 5lb mark.
Over the weekend fish were in the top two feet across the whole of the main basin and were falling to floating lines with dries and nymphs working well. Red holographic diawls, green crunchers, tequila fabs and black or claret hoppers all worked with a huge number of fish around C Buoy and along the sailing club frontage.
Fish have started showing in the narrows, a sign that the water is cooling and fish are spreading out from the main basin.
Fishing Stats
Best Brown: Estimated at 12lb by Dave Anderson.
Midweek boat winner: Mr D Manning.
Forthcoming events
Mid-Northants Trout Fishers Association offer taster/introduction sessions at Pitsford Water once a month
Fly fishing for Pike 16 May to 31 January 2019
Predator Lure fishing 16 May to 31 January 2019
Beginners courses: See our page for details.