Grafham Water week ending 27 March

2 years ago

Rod average for the week 3.95

After a steady start to the season Grafham has started to pick up and there’s some fantastic sport to be had. This was proven when the Scierra Pairs was staged on Sunday 20 March. The event was very well supported with anglers coming from far and wide. 60 anglers took to the water to commence fishing at 10.00 with the first boat being back in at 11.25 with sixteen quality fish to the boat. In all over 300 fish were caught for a rod average of 5.2.

Bank fishing has been erratic, fish are being caught off the Dam first thing, then once the Dam closes at 09.00 the fish have been found at Plummers, the Willows, G Buoy and Pylon Point.

The water is gin clear which could be a reason why the fish disperse once the general public arrive at Grafham. The tactics have been varied, from fishing a static line under a bung using buzzers and blood worm imitations, to stripping snakes, to presenting a Pitsford Pea, varying the depth until the fish are found.

The clocks sprang forward on Sunday and it’s April on Friday so Spring is well and truly here, which only means one thing – masses of buzzer hatches, so take time out, book a boat and come and have a fantastic experience here at Grafham.

Fishing, walking, cycling, water sports

Our water parks not only bring vital water resources for the region, but they also provide a fantastic day out for all the family.

Whether you're looking for an action-packed day on the water, a spot of fishing to escape the stresses and strains of everyday life, or simply want to enjoy a relaxing walk in beautiful surroundings, look no further than our fabulous water parks.