Fish 115 Returns 28 Rod average 4.1
Grafham had no boats out last week due to the strong winds, so nothing to report afloat but the bank anglers continued to find fish.
Grafham ranger Stuart Stenning-Whte says “My tip for the coming week is to fish the points and bays on North shore, particularly G point. The wind has been blowing onto this shore all week and so has had no fishing pressure. Once the muddy water has cleared the fish will be feeding all along this shore.”
The bank Anglers have continued to find fish feeding at Plummer car park along to the south end of the dam. This has been the only fishable area in windy conditions. Black and green lures (the early season favourite) have accounted for most of the fish – with Pitsford Pea and mini snakes doing most of the damage. In the coming week if we get some calmer weather, diawl bach and damsels on a floating line with a slow constant retrieve should produce
Fishing Stats
Midweek boat winner: Mr Faulkner of Keysoe.
Forthcoming events
Perch Masters 30 & 31 March
Anglers World Individual Flyfishing Championships 6 April
Anglers World Team Flyfishing Championships 7 April
Anglian Water Rudder Match 13 April
England Qualifier 3 May
Snowbee Floating Line 4 May
Home International 7-10 May
Invicta Pilgrimage 23 & 24 May
Beginners courses: 22 March; 6,11,19 & 23 April; 5,19,26 & 31 May and other dates throughout the season.
Boat handling courses: 30 April, 13 & 27 May; 4 & 11 June and other dates throughout the season.