Please complete this catch return report at the end of your day's fishing

Catch Return

Already have an account? Click here to login.

Alternatively register for an account so that you can keep track of your catch history.

Customer details

Submitted the catch return on behalf of a user?  The catch return is primarily used for Trout fishing but can also be used to submit details (including comments about your day) for Coarse or Predator fishing too.

Permit number

Enter your day or season ticket permit number here.

Fishing location

Where did you fish for trout today?

Date of Report

Your Catch Return date is the date you finshed.

Number of Rainbows kept

How many Rainbow Trout have you kept?

Returned fish

How many Trout have been returned?

Number of fish caught by weight

Provide details of the number of fish caught in each weight bracket.

Damaged fish

Have any Trout been damaged?  If yes please provide details.

Boat or Bank

How did you fish, by boat or bank?


6 + 8 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

If you are a current user please log in to complete your Catch Return.  Alternatively submit your Catch Return here.

If you have fished for trout please provide your catch return details.

If you have fished for Coarse or Predator provide us with your name, date, location and any comments about your day.