Fish 349 (Season 4,488) Returns 52 (521) Rod average 6.7 (8.6)
Anglers have enjoyed another good week at Ravensthorpe with plenty of top quality hard fighting fish being caught. The best fish of the week was a massive Rainbow estimated between 14 and 15lb. This was caught and safely returned by John Krailing.
The best method shave been floating lines with buzzers, diawl bachs, crunchers and damsels. Intermediate lines with lures are also catching fish.
Bank anglers have been catching a few fish mainly from the dam or wading in front of platforms 4 and 5. Black buzzer and floating line are the best method.
Fishing Stats
Best Rainbow: 14lb taken by John Krailing.
Best boat areas: Front of lodge, along dam.
Best bank areas: Dam wading in front of platform 4 or 5.
Fish stocked: 2,000.
Midweek boat winner: M Nelson.