Fish 563 (Season 563) Returns 87 (87) Rod average 6.5(6.5)
Pitsford Water opened its doors for the new season on Saturday and the fishery once again showed its fantastic form with wonderful hard fighting fish being caught from all areas of the lake.
Due to the unseasonably mild weather fish were feeding on buzzer and bloodworm and anglers enjoyed excellent sport on floating and intermediate lines with teams of buzzers and diawls, crunchers taking a lot of bag limits.
Most anglers reported Rainbows between 3-4lb in their bags and commented on the exceptional condition of the fish. The water is gin clear and getting near its top level. Although brown trout are out of season until 1st April they are abundant and most anglers have reported catching stunning resident Browns, many between 4-6lb with a few bigger examples.
By far the biggest reported trout of the week was a Brown estimated at 10lb. This fish was one of five large Browns caught by boat angler Will Kerr. Will fished a black and gold humungus on a slow sink line around the margins, taking five Browns and two Rainbows. Other good catches reported included John Elderton with a 6lb Brown; Phil Jordan with six Browns between 4-6lb and Matt Colerson who took 16 fish on catch and release. Danny Peet and Rick Varley boat fished and had over 30 fish to their boat including several Browns.
Lorenzo Serrano had a shock when, on his first cast, using a size 10 cats whisker, he hooked the fish of a lifetime. After almost 20 minutes Lorenzo brought the fish to the surface and found it to be a pike, estimated at 30lb plus. It was safely returned to the water.
All areas of the lake are fishing with fish coming to both lures and nymph tactics and with a further stocking due next week we look set for excellent fishing to continue.
May and other dates throughout the season.
Fishing Stats
Best Rainbow: 4lb
Best Brown: 12lb (estimated).
Best boat areas: Bog Bay, Stone Barn, Dam, Brixworth Bay.
Best bank areas: Gravels, Rigbys, Cliffs, Stone Barn.
Midweek boat winner: Mr M Mason.
Fish stocked: 5,000.
Forthcoming events
Beginners courses: 16,24 & 30 March; 3 and 16 April; 2 and 18 May and other dates throughout the season.
Boat handling courses: 1,15 & 28 May and other dates throughout the season.