Fish 367 Returns 109 Rod average 3.3
The trout fishing at Grafham continues to be centred around fishing close in, either from the bank or the boat. A roving approach will work best as the trout patrol along the shoreline. Boat anglers please remember to keep 50 metres from any bank anglers and bank anglers please ensure that you give other bank anglers plenty of room.
Tactics for both bank and boat anglers remain shrimp and fry based with some variations. Plummer bank has seen fish feeding on small green or black leeches and small immature damsel nymphs. Some of the bays on the north shore are producing fish to snails (2.5mm to 5mm).
Floating line or a sink tip with a hover line as a back up on windy days will cover most conditions. The ubiquitous washing line is the way to go with fish still high in the water; a FAB on the point, a shrimp, hare’s ear or red diawl bach on the dropper for the twiddlers. Snakes, minkies and zonkers for the pullers. Green and white or black seem to be working well.
Predator boat bookings are still good so the predator anglers must be catching plenty of fish. Reports are sketchy but the zander in the 8-12lb range are still showing but have moved to deeper water. Perch fishing seems to be centred around G and the bowl of the dam. Pike seem to be in the bays on the north shore.
Shrimpmasters 2021
Grafham Annual Winter Bank League
The first match in this popular series was fished on Sunday 14 November with a good turnout of 25 rods. 10 of these rods caught their 6 fish limit well spread around the banks, mostly on shrimp patterns, but also FABs and snakes.
Congratulations to Sam Smith with a winning bag weighing 17lb 2oz which also contained the biggest fish at 4lb 9oz (taken off Hedge End). Tom Cooper took second place with Mark Mathieson in third. The next round will be fished on Sunday 28 November and is combined with Grafham Fur & Feather.
6 rounds in total with points awarded for each round and the winner based on the best 5 results.
Remaining matches: November 28; December 12 and 28 and January 9 and 16.
These dates are all Sundays with the exception of Tuesday 28 December.
Registration will be outside the lodge between 08.00 and 08.30. There is an entry fee of £1 payable before fishing each day with optional pool £9 for each round. Fishing commences at 9am and concludes at 3pm, weighing in before 3.30pm.
Rules are kill your first 6 trout, no catch and release or sorting, then cease fishing and weigh in. Points are awarded as follows: 1st = 10 points, 2nd = 9 points etc down to 8th place for 3 points. All others weighing in are awarded two points and blankers get one point for attending. On the last day a trophy and Anglian Water tackle voucher will be awarded to the overall winner based on their best five results.
Tackle shop hours – Our Lodges are open 8am to 2pm daily.
Forthcoming events
Fur & Feather (bank) 28 November 01480 810531