Meet the Team

Our dedicated team is responsible for a wide range of duties, from conserving our waters and nature reserves to ensuring that the people have special places to visit and the wildlife have habitats in which to thrive.

Find out more about the people who work within our parks and reserves…

Jake Williams
Jake Williams
Managing Director

I draw real satisfaction from seeing visitors enjoying our parks and I get a genuine kick out of every interaction I have with them, knowing I am helping to improve their experience of the park. I believe you can only really do that when you love what you do - which I do.

John Taylor
John Taylor
Project & Estates Manager

I love the fact that I am able to make a positive difference to both recreation, in helping to create a space that people can enjoy, and with conservation. Since working here, I have learnt to really appreciate the natural world around me.

Angela Tarry
Angela Tarry
General Manager, Grafham & Northants

I've always been drawn to working outside and being active and my favourite part of this job is meeting so many likeminded, enthusiastic people who have a real passion for the outdoors. Plus, the views from the office window aren't too bad either!

William Kirstein
William Kirstein
General Manager, Rutland & Alton

From the get-go I knew a career working with nature was for me, and what I like most about this job is that no two days are the same. On my days off I can often be seen taking in the views of Rutland Water - how many people can say they enjoy visiting their place of work on their days off?

angela tobin
Angela Tobin
Office & Events Manager

I am really lucky that in doing Event Management I get to meet a whole range of people and there are never two days the same. The variety and challenge of the ever-changing role keeps me on my toes, and each event gives me the opportunity to progress my skills which can be utilised for future events.

Nigel Barrett
Nigel Barrett
Area Catering Manager

A passionate caterer to the core, the opportunity to nurture the transformation and development of our catering service across our Parks was irresistible to me. Like parenthood, constantly challenging, but the sense of pride in watching it grow alongside the rest of the Parks family can't be bettered. And fresh air to boot, who knew!

Fishing, walking, cycling, water sports

Our water parks not only bring vital water resources for the region, but they also provide a fantastic day out for all the family.

Whether you're looking for an action-packed day on the water, a spot of fishing to escape the stresses and strains of everyday life, or simply want to enjoy a relaxing walk in beautiful surroundings, look no further than our fabulous water parks.